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Women in Construction Week: Dakota Logan

Women in Construction Week is celebrated March 5-11, 2023. This year’s theme, ‘Many Paths, One Mission’, celebrates the different journeys women have taken toward the same goal: strengthening and amplifying the success of women in the construction industry. Take a look at all four of our outstanding female Herzogians featured here and on social media.

Dakota Logan
Field Engineer
Current project: SunRail Phase 2 North
Previous work: Intern, Estimating
Years with Herzog: 3


What does Women in Construction (WIC) Week mean to you?
To me, Women in Construction Week means opportunity —  to encourage young women to seek opportunity in the construction field , opportunity to impact the every-day in a more impactful and hands-on way, and opportunity to acknowledge the impact women have on the industry.


Share a moment where you felt inspired to be a woman of construction.
During my sophomore year of college, I went to the AGC MO state convention and had the opportunity to talk about diversifying the construction industry within a breakout session. This opportunity exposed me to the lack of women in the field and encouraged me to keep pursuing my path in construction.


Why did you choose this career path?
In high school I participated in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) program and one of my teachers/mentor’s enthusiasm about the construction industry and playing a part in something so impactful led me in this direction.


What is your favorite part of working in this industry?
My favorite part of working in this industry is that I never stop learning and everything I do learn is impactful. Knowing that what I am contributing to is bigger than myself is both challenging and rewarding.


What advice would you have for other women entering the construction industry?
Be confident and be willing. Having confidence in yourself and what you contribute to the team goes a long way in showing your values and abilities. Be willing to learn and be part of a team; asking questions and receiving feedback effectively is one of the best ways to grow as an individual and in the industry.


Fun fact about me:
In college, helping with Habitat for Humanity was another way I enjoyed participating in the world of construction.


Additional Herzog WIC Week Features (click the name to read)

Teresa Morales

Michelle Davis

Rachel Hessemyer