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Women in Construction Week: Michelle Davis

Women in Construction Week is celebrated March 5-11, 2023. This year’s theme, ‘Many Paths, One Mission’, celebrates the different journeys women have taken toward the same goal: strengthening and amplifying the success of women in the construction industry. Take a look at all four of our outstanding female Herzogians featured here and on social media.

Michelle Davis
Office Manager/Document Control
Current project: Kansas City Streetcar
Previous work: Herzog Contracts Department, Proposals & Marketing Department
Years with Herzog: 16 1/2


What does Women in Construction (WIC) Week mean to you?
I appreciate the recognition for an industry that’s typically been male-dominated.


Share a moment where you felt inspired to be a woman of construction.
Seeing photos of our females in the field and now going out and watching them makes me think of the poster “We Can Do It!”


Why did you choose this career path?
After years of sifting through hundreds of photos and writing about Herzog’s work, I wanted to be in the field to see how it all comes together.


What is your favorite part of working in this industry?
Seeing how our finished product offers commuters another option for transportation in many cities around the country.


What advice would you have for other women entering the construction industry?
If you work in the office, take opportunities to get out into the field to see the work. We have a great team of seasoned superintendents who are always willing to answer questions and explain the tasks being performed.


Fun fact about me:
Dad set me on a horse before I could walk and I never looked back.



Additional Herzog WIC Week Features (click the name to read)

Teresa Morales

Dakota Logan

Rachel Hessemyer